Medicus Integra© Awardee 2019


Mercy Health Physicians, is a multi-specialty medical group with approximately 900 physicians in Ohio and Kentucky. Mercy Health Physicians is part of Mercy Health. Mercy Health merged with Bons Secours to form Bon Secours Mercy Health and now has over  1600 physicians.

Mercy Health Physicians

Mercy Health Physicians receives notable recognition for the following initiatives:

  • New Provider Welcome Program, monthly TelePresence meeting facilitates presentations by executive and physician leaders designed to introduce new providers to the organizational culture.
  • Provide a comprehensive employee assistance program (EAP), LifeMatters©, that is confidential, anonymous, and without charge to the recipient. It is available to physicians experiencing unusual stress or crisis.
  • Leadership in Medicine, is a six-day residential course, providing an introduction to leadership theory, change management, communication skills, organizational culture and related topics.
  • SafeCARE, this instantaneous, anonymous incident reporting system is based on a “no retaliation” policy and facilitates reporting of a variety of problems, including medical errors, professional conduct, and safety concerns.
  • Ethics Program, Mercy Health has a well-developed program of bioethics review and consultation of which Physicians are an integral part of the ethics process.